The Treatment of Canada's First Nations

Sue Jackson

Toronto, Ontario

Through a virtual experience as a museum curator, students develop knowledge and critical thinking towards First Nations’ history.

The Voice of Women’s Liberation

Amy McBride

Guelph, Ontario

I present a micro-history of women students and their liberation at the University of Guelph.

Tracing Their Stories

Jason Penney

Toronto, Ontario

Students use knowledge of World War Two and interpret its consequences and significance by creating a time capsule and interview.

Voices of Juno: Creating a Canadian Legacy

Desaree Rosskopf

London, Ontario

Voices of Juno investigates the creation and preservation of Canada's Normandy landings.

Where the Streets Have No Name

Blake Seward

Smiths Falls, Ontario

‘Students research soldiers to have new streets named after them for commemoration’

Work on the Canadian Homefront

Lisa Tubb

Guelph, Ontario

An Assessment of Work on the Canadian Homefront at Defense Industries Ltd. Ajax.

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