My identity as a Chinese Canadian Woman

Samantha Chan

Toronto, Ontario

I chose this question because I felt passionate to write about what moments in Canadian history make me who I am today.

Oshawa and the Battle of Vimy Ridge

Catey Fifield

Oshawa, Ontario

My favourite part of Canadian History is learning about Canadians who contributed to medical research, innovation and human rights causes.

Past, Present, and Future for Aboriginal Canadians

Damien Ho

Markham, Ontario

I chose this question because I felt that it was the most relevant to the issues that Canada faces today.

Pluralism: The true achievement of our History

Mishaal Lakhani

Markham, Ontario

I chose this question because I recently visited the Centre for Pluralism in Ottawa and felt it would be an ideal National Historic Site.

Power of One Thousand Women

Natalie Hall

Mississauga, Ontario

I choose this question because being Canadian is very important to me.

Réconciliation avec le Peuple Algonquin

Émerick Deschênes

Ottawa, Ontario

J’ai choisi cette question, car j’ai toujours voulu en savoir plus sur l’histoire des peuples qui ont vécu dans la région de l’Outaouais.

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