Oshawa and the Battle of Vimy Ridge

In April 1917 – at the height of the First World War – the Canadian Corps captured the coveted Vimy Ridge from the Germans. It was a battle that shaped Canada’s historic identity, but resulted in over ten thousand casualties. The triumphs and losses experienced during the Battle of Vimy Ridge impacted both the Allies in Europe and the families who supported them from the home front. Young men from Canadian cities and towns like Oshawa, Ontario were killed in action or died of wounds. Roads were built, schools were named, and monuments were erected in their honour. Over a century later, high school students travelled to France to remember the sacrifices made by brave Canadians. The City of Oshawa has, and continues to make great effort to honour the soldiers who lost their lives at Vimy Ridge.

Oshawa and the Battle of Vimy Ridge

Catey Fifield

Grade 10

Maxwell Heights Secondary School
Oshawa, Ontario

My favourite part of Canadian History is learning about Canadians who contributed to medical research, innovation and human rights causes.

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