Power of One Thousand Women

That year Danny proposed. Jo was ecstatic although her family refused to come to the wedding. Many people had screamed insults at the couple on the street while they had holding hands but that didn't mean anything to her. Love is love after all. They had a daughter Eileen. Eileen had a daughter and was a single mother. Her daughters name was Helen. No, she did not have the strength of a thousand men behind her. She had the strength of her great great grandmother who fought for women’s right to vote. She had the power of her grandmother who went through taunting and constant mockery to get a better education. Who was subject to housing discrimination and insults because she loved a black man. No, she did not have the strength of a thousand men behind.

Power of One Thousand Women

Natalie Hall

Grade 10

Mississauga, Ontario

I choose this question because being Canadian is very important to me.

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