Reviving Canadian Aboriginal and Treaty Rights

Matthew Li

Calgary, Alberta

My favourite part of Canadian History is the history of Aboriginal peoples.

Rights, Regulations, Restrictions

Mohammed Mustafa

Calgary, Alberta

In a contemporary context, I am interested in the effects of multiculturalism within Canadian society.

Self-Government and Aboriginal issues

Iroc Levasseur

Winnipeg, Manitoba

I chose this question because I'm very passionate about Aboriginal and Treaty rights.

Speaking out for ourselves

Felix Hohne

Vancouver, British Columbia

Having moved to Canada myself after living in China for many years, I am very interested in cross-cultural issues and immigration.

The Canadian Century

Abigail Nevo

Toronto, Ontario

My favourite part of Canadian History is learning about different events that occurred.

The Canadian Identity in the 20th Century

Bill Shu

Markham, Ontario

This thought-provoking question motivated me to explore historical events, issues, and social phenomena in a fascinating century for Canada.

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