All My Relations

Jessica Frappier

Lively, Ontario

‘the government of today [must] honour the agreements made by governments of the past [and] make retribution for wrong doings’

Almost Historical

Alecia LeBlanc

Victoria, British Columbia

I'm fascinated by the idea that history is ever-changing as new information is uncovered.

Amor De Cosmos and Confederation

Adrian Molenkamp

Surrey, British Columbia

‘Amor De Cosmos rightfully deserves the title of BC’s “Father of Confederation”.’

An Emblem's Role: The Flag or the Process Itself?

Sarah Sherwood

Victoria, British Columbia

Because this year marks our nation's flag's 50th anniversary, there would be no better time than the present to learn about that process.

An Emerging Nation

Vaishnavi Kotha

Mississauga, Ontario

‘The nationalistic prospects which replaced imperialistic views were shaped from the military feats and successes during the war’

An Immigrant's Identity in a Multicultural Country

Bernice Leung

Toronto, Ontario

I chose this question because this is my first year residing in Canada and I am curious about my new identity.

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