Suez 1956: régler un conflit à la canadienne

Damien Pilon

Gatineau, Quebec

Je pense que la Crise du canal de Suez est un événement trop peu connu de notre histoire et qu'il mérite d'être mieux connu.


Miriam Valois et Megan Horsthuis

Gatineau, Quebec

J'ai choisi cette question car les droits des femmes en général est un sujet qui me tient à coeur.

The Ballad of the Chinese Workers

Baapooh Chung

Burnaby, British Columbia

I feel injustice over what happened during the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway since I am of Chinese heritage myself.

The Bridge

Veronica Nelson

Gores Landing, Ontario

This question allowed me to express my gratitude to those in the past who worked hard to enable me to have the opportunities I have today.

The Definition of Amnesia is Canada

Madeline Bishop

Kelowna, British Columbia

I chose this question because I felt it was broad and could be interpreted creatively.

The Great Debate

Mason Kearley

Coley's Point South, Newfoundland and Labrador

I choose this question because Canadian identity is important and I like the history of the Canadian flag.

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