Shaping the Identity of Women

Mitali Pradhan

Calgary, Alberta

I chose this question because I'm fascinated by the extent to which society has changed for a Canadian woman.

Speaking out for ourselves

Felix Hohne

Vancouver, British Columbia

Having moved to Canada myself after living in China for many years, I am very interested in cross-cultural issues and immigration.

Steps towards Reconciliation

Tejas Pandya

Windsor, Ontario

‘governments today should take a great deal of responsibility for governments in the past’

Stuck in Limbo

Zaynab Baksh

Surrey, British Columbia

Historical Fiction category: Stuck in Limbo

Suez 1956: régler un conflit à la canadienne

Damien Pilon

Gatineau, Quebec

Je pense que la Crise du canal de Suez est un événement trop peu connu de notre histoire et qu'il mérite d'être mieux connu.


Miriam Valois et Megan Horsthuis

Gatineau, Quebec

J'ai choisi cette question car les droits des femmes en général est un sujet qui me tient à coeur.

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