L'évolution des intérêts dans l'Arctique

Millar Coveney

St. Catharines, Ontario

J'ai choisi cette question pour en savoir plus sur le sujet de l'exploration de l'Arctique, et comment il se rapporte à aujourd'hui.

Of Barbarous Coasts and Forbidden Seas

Cailum Stienstra

Halifax, Nova Scotia

As young as it is as a country, Canada has a great historical depth in its success and failures that pushes Canadians to a better future.

The importance of Canada's Arctic

Gabrielle Godbille-Cardona

Kingston, Ontario

In light of recent events, it is particularly important to highlight the Canadian presence in the Arctic throughout history.

The Importance of Inuit Knowledge In The Arctic

Justin Milton

Pond Inlet, Nunavut

I chose this question because it is of most interest to me as an Inuk.

The Race to the Arctic

Sanjam Panag

Winnipeg, Manitoba

I believe that the Arctic is a highly controversial issue. Canada's future depends greatly on our Arctic sovereignty.

Tip of the Iceberg: Exploring the Arctic

Abhimanyu DasGupta

Toronto, Ontario

The ingenuity and perseverance that pioneers demonstrated resonate with me - they are a strong foundation in this country that we call home.

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