The Race to the Arctic

The arctic exploration happening today is affecting the lives of many communities in the north. In the global standpoint, Canada’s government celebrates Canada’s culture, which makes us the “True North Strong and Free”. Whereas politically, the government implements industrial projects that destroy the northern community’s way of living and cultural traditions. It is the Inuit who are the most affected by the catastrophic consequences of accelerating global warming. Without the ice and snow due to global warming, their way of life completely changes. The Inuit live off the land in one of the harshest climates of the Earth. They are adaptable and flexible and attain a wide range of knowledge of the environment. However, they are also more vulnerable than most to the effects of global warming and the sudden wave of industrialization that the changing climate is drawing up north. Unpredictable weather conditions are having vast effects on the traditional Inuit hunting lifestyle. Animal migrations are changing, which does not allow them to use certain animal parts for clothing and art. All things considered, the climate change is disrupting this cultural continuum and the future of the Inuit is a national concern.

The Race to the Arctic

Sanjam Panag

Grade 10

St. Mary's Academy
Winnipeg, Manitoba

I believe that the Arctic is a highly controversial issue. Canada's future depends greatly on our Arctic sovereignty.

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