Canadian Women and War: Thriving in a Man's World

Jovana Pajovic

Mississauga, Ontario

From confederation, Canada has changed a lot. Learning history helps me better understand how we live the way we do today.

Canadian Women During World Wars I and II

Daniel Yan

Vancouver, British Columbia

I think my favorite part of Canadian History are wars. They are fascinating because of the rich stories that accompany them.

Canadian Women: The March to Equality

Emma Wilson

Montréal, Quebec

I am very interested in the the two world wars. I have Belgian relatives, so I got to visit the battlefields on the Western front.

Combat de femme en temps de guerre

Chloé Mailloux

Sturgeon Falls, Ontario

Ce sujet m'intéresse car grâce à la lutte des femmes au Canada, les filles de mon âge sont libres de faire ce qu'elles veulent aujourd'hui.

Droits pour les femmes: du jamais-vu!

Paulina Symala

Laval, Quebec

La Première Guerre mondiale apporte une nouvelle façon de voir les femmes : d'êtres intellectuellement égaux aux hommes.

Effect of Both World Wars on Canadian Women

Daphnée Carrier

Ascot Corner, Quebec

My great grandfathers were soldiers in World War Two. After hearing some of the stories, I developed an avid interest in history.

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