A Call to Arms

‘This is defined as skill that, when developed, can transfer, and be useful, in multiple facets of our students’ lives. A Call to Arms is designed to facilitate the development and growth of critical thinking, problem solving, corroborative research, self-direction, innovation, creativity, and clear communication. As students uncover the stories and letters, reports and maps, and the passion and courage that is Canada’s First World War experience, they will be asked to develop key research questions, and sort through both primary and secondary historical evidence to create a unique and rich portrait of small groups of Canadians.’

General tasks:

Part 1: Each student does a research in secondary sources about a specific unit that went to WWI.

Part 2: students do a fine documentation of the unit using primary sources and reflect on the main events concerning the unit.

Part 3: the students combine the primary and secondary sources to develop a narrative of how individuals experienced the war.

Part 4: students develop empathy towards the individuals’ stories.

Part 5: Students research about maps of the events involving their individuals and create three maps to explain their story.

Part 6: write a narrative of the individuals’ participation in WWI with the help of the maps they created.

Evaluation criteria:

Completion of all parts of the project; quality of the cartography; deepness of the narrative; general quality and commitment to the project.

A Call to Arms

Adrian French


Victoria, British Columbia

‘[It] looks to maximize the potential for students to build historical empathy toward the men and women who went to war during [WWI]’

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