The Hills that have Spoken

When you close your eyes atop the Cypress Hills, you can hear the shouts of the men, the screams of the women and children, and the vibration of rifles that scarred these hills in 1873. In the present, the sound of terror is gone, and a blanket of silence falls over the silent hill. The Cypress Hill Massacre, one of the worst mass murders in Canadian history, has been forgotten by many. The Cypress Hill Massacre deserves more commemoration, as it was the spark of a new era in policing in Canada. The Cypress Hill Massacre should have a monument built that honours the bravery of the First Nations people during this event and the racism that characterized the Cypress Hill Massacre.

The Hills that have Spoken

Sofia Tosello

Grade 10

The Bishop Strachan School
Toronto, Ontario

By choosing to write about the Cypress Hill Massacre, I hope to educate people on an event that they may not have known about before.

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