The Fathers of Our Nation's Foundation

While some historians may not consider Robert Baldwin and Louis LaFontaine as two of the founding fathers of Canada, it is imperative that they are considered as such. Though it is true that neither of them were alive at the time of the conferences that created Canada, their influence reached beyond their graves. Responsible government is not their only redeeming point towards being regarded as some of Canada’s founding fathers - their accomplishments besides laying the foundation of our government should be included as well. Everything they worked for - including responsible government; their fight for French Canadian rights and eventual establishment of a bilingual speaker of the house; and the creation of a public education system - was directed and fashioned towards creating a country of cultural equality: Canada.
The Fathers of Our Nation's Foundation

Madeleine Robertson

Grade 10

Rockridge Secondary School
West Vancouver, British Columbia

I chose this question because of the recent rise in popularity of an American founding father. Why not acknowledge our own?

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