Expo67, Our History

Different cultures from all over the globe come together for a world fair, and with them comes diversity. Expo67 had a total of 60 countries participate in the event, and this brought much diversity to our country. During Lester B. Pearson's opening speech at this world fair, he said "Expo67 offers perhaps the most striking proof ever assembled in one place that the future well-being of the whole world community of man also depends on achieving the unity of peace within the vast diversity of national policies." Pearson wanted all of the different nationalities attending Expo67 to come together in peace, and we see that in our everyday lives now. Living in a very diverse environment affects our identity in a way that other parts of our lives can't. Growing up in this type of situation makes us more worldly and helps us discover new cultures and traditions. The two students writing this letter are an example of our nation's diversity, as we are from two different cultural groups, one from Asia and one from Europe.

Expo67, Our History

Kelly Tam and Katrien Gils

Grade 10

Centennial Regional High School
Brossard, Quebec

We chose this question because it spoke to us in a way that we can connect to by thinking about our Canadian identity.

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