Journey of Influence.

It was November 8, 1946, I was away on a business trip to New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, to sell my beauty products. All of a sudden, I experienced car troubles. As I was waiting for my car to be repaired, I decided to go see a movie at the Roseland Theatre. This was a segregated theatre with a main floor for whites and a balcony for blacks. (Robson Wanda) I was unware of the segregation policy, so I proceeded to the main floor. Where I was ordered to by the manager of the theatre to go to the balcony. When of course I refused the manager ended up calling the police. I was then forced and physically removed from the theatre from the police and the manager. This caused me to injury my hip. I was held in a disgusting jail cell over night and was never informed of my legal rights, a lawyer or bail. The next morning, I was brought before a judge.

Journey of Influence.

Brianna Green

Grade 12

Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School
Antigonish, Nova Scotia

I chose this questions because it enabled me to share how Canadian History has influenced my life as an African Canadian.

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