127 Tag Results for died

John Proctor

Jack died from wounds suffered on August 16, 1918. He is buried near where he died.

Lewis Frederick Lennie

He was killed in action on July 14, 1916, while driving an armored motorcar in Belgium while the town was being shelled. He was nineteen years old.

Gordon Basil McMahon

Sadly, Gordon Basil McMahon, a private of the 50th Battalion, was killed in action in France in 1917 at age nineteen.

George Dundas

“It appears George was bored,” says Dundas' great-great nephew, Kelly Dundas.

Henry Roy Halladay

Henry Roy Halladay served in the 44th Battalion. He was killed in action on April 10, 1917, during the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

James Grenville Kydd

James was killed in action on October 1, 1918 at Tilloy-lez-Cambrai.

Edward Lock

He was given a fake name and managed to escape custody when he was in confinement for fourteen days.

William Sterling Lamb

It was the last one hundred days of war and stretcher-bearer William Sterling Lamb was laying dead under an overcoat

David Delos Spence

David Delos Spence longs to be at home in Athens, Ontario in his letter home.

Anonymous Great War photographs

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