Pieces to a Puzzle

Arjun Sanya

Vancouver, British Columbia

I admire how Canada has consistently maintained its status as a Neutral Power and has worked to create peaceful resolutions to problems.

Riel and Macdonald Honored with the National Stamp

Mattias Zurkovic

West Vancouver, British Columbia

My favorite part of Canadian history is our troops' involvement and contribution in the first and second World Wars.

Riel and Macdonald: Contributions to Canada

Cindy Zhou

West Vancouver, British Columbia

Even now, people from all over the world immigrate to Canada, contributing to the multicultural identity we maintain today.

Telling the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

Lily Yang

Victoria, British Columbia

My favourite part of history is how Canada emerged on the world stage to become autonomous. I enjoy looking at how modern Canada came to be.

The Effect of the War on Women

Sabrina Cunningham

Chilliwack, British Columbia

My favorite part of history is British North America Act and learning about how Canada went from British colony to an independent country.

The Effect of World War 2 on Women

Nina Russell

Surrey, British Columbia

I believe that it is my role as a citizen of Canada to have a vast knowledge of the conflicts and progressions that have taken place.

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