A Time for Equality: Wartime Victories

Cassandra Reber

Chilliwack, British Columbia

My favourite part of Canadian history is everything to do with the First Nations peoples.

A Woman's Role in Canada

Anna Zhu

Richmond, British Columbia

I admire how history can teach us about our own lives and mistakes and can prompt us to a more balanced perspective of the world.

Canadian Women after the First World War

Daniel Chiu

West Vancouver, British Columbia

The Canadian contribution during the war effort in both World Wars are periods in which the actions of Canadians became tokens of pride.

Canadian Women During World Wars I and II

Daniel Yan

Vancouver, British Columbia

I think my favorite part of Canadian History are wars. They are fascinating because of the rich stories that accompany them.

How War Impacted the Lives of Women

Sasha Hamilton

Victoria, British Columbia

The struggle for women's rights is an inspiring part of Canadian history.

La reconnaissance

Isaac Matsuno

Victoria, British Columbia

Ma période préférée de l'histoire canadienne est la colonisation du Canada; c'est intéressant de voir la naissance d'un pays.

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