Macdonald et Riel : lutte pour un meilleur Canada

Kaylee Boyle

Moncton, New Brunswick

J'avais déja entendue de Louis Riel, mais je ne savais pas beaucoup à son sujet. C'est un sujet que je voulais explorer.

Makers of Canada

Patrick Weller

Douglas, Ontario

My favorite part of Canadian history is from first contact all the way to the early days of Confederation.

Of Barbarous Coasts and Forbidden Seas

Cailum Stienstra

Halifax, Nova Scotia

As young as it is as a country, Canada has a great historical depth in its success and failures that pushes Canadians to a better future.

Our Emblem and Herald: The National Flag of Canada

Timothy Cormier

Burnaby, British Columbia

Canada seems to change at twice the pace of most other places, but the post-World War 2 period is the most fascinating history so far.

Pieces to a Puzzle

Arjun Sanya

Vancouver, British Columbia

I admire how Canada has consistently maintained its status as a Neutral Power and has worked to create peaceful resolutions to problems.

Pour le meilleur et à jamais

Josiane Breton

Sherbrooke, Quebec

J'ai un intérêt à observer des liens entre des réalités sociales et historiques de différentes époques.

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