A Path to Building Canadian Identity

We all know that this year Canada celebrated its 150th birthday marking the beginning of many more adventures and discoveries. Canadian identity means a lot to me because as an immigrant to Canada, I have seen Canada from many different perspectives; from that of a 10-year old girl new to the country to a 15-year old teenager who sees herself as both a Canadian and a global citizen. As a young girl, I looked at Canada, my new home, with nervous and excited eyes, and now I feel fortunate to be one of its residents. My Canadian identity is influenced by significant moments and people in the Canadian history including Voila Desmond and the brave stance she took against racial segregation, the 1976-77 change to the Immigration Act and Canada’s role in the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement.

A Path to Building Canadian Identity

Shubhneet Thind

Grade 10

Miles Macdonell Collegiate
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Canadian Identity is a topic that is very close to my heart as I am an immigrant to Canada myself.

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