Expo 67: An Inspiration for Youth Today

Expo 67, Montreal’s World Exhibition, is a reminder of what can be achieved when 61 countries unite toward a common goal. With 50 million visitors, Expo 67 is one of the most well attended fairs. Marking Canada’s centennial birthday when almost half of Canadians were under 25, Expo 67 showcased Canada as progressive and world-class. Indeed, Expo 67’s central theme of “Man and His World” reflects the idea that human ingenuity is at the heart of not only past progress but a future of endless possibilities. Reflecting back, academics ponder whether Expo 67’s vision of a technology-driven future is still relevant to youth today. In this essay, I will argue that Expo 67’s vision still resonates with youth. Not only is this evident in how youth use digital media to promote social change but how they show an interest in using innovation to transform communities into human-friendly places.

Expo 67: An Inspiration for Youth Today

Sarah Chiodo

Grade 10

The Bishop Strachan School
Toronto, Ontario

I chose this question because I was interested in learning about the role that technology and innovation played in 1967.

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