Factors leading to the success of women's suffrage

The suffrage movement in Manitoba and Alberta first began in the 1870s with the immigration of Icelandic women in Manitoba who set the foundation for the suffrage movement, the work of these women was later continued by the Political Equality League in 1912, and with the help of Nellie McClung... Many important figures such as Dr. Amelia Yeomans, she supported Icelandic suffragists and helped ally the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) with their cause. The Political Equality League (PEL) led many protests which lead to gaining the support of the Liberal Party in 1914. They were successful at spreading the message of the suffrage movement which ultimately led to as many as 40,000 supporters signing the petition of the suffrage movement. Nellie McClung, one of the most significant figures in the women’s suffrage movement, published books that highlighted her feminist views which informed the public about the suffrage movement.
Factors leading to the success of women's suffrage

Radin Manafi-Khosroshahi

Grade 11

Rockridge Secondary School
West Vancouver, British Columbia


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