For Better or Worse: Defining My Canadian Identity

I live today in a province shaped by English-speaking immigrants, specifically the flow which happened after the end of the defeat of Napoleon and settlement of former soldiers loyal to the Crown in what was then the questionably loyal frontier province of Upper Canada. This wave of immigration made the province, and therefore my life, what it is today, be them in ways which we see today as favourable or not. Some things we have done well, such as creating an open and progressive country. In other areas we have failed, such as in upholding our treaties with First Nations. In all regards the effects of this movement of people, one group onto a land and another off of it, has affected my entire identity.

For Better or Worse: Defining My Canadian Identity

Michael Wilson

Grade 12

Markville Secondary School
Markham, Ontario

I wanted to learn about the impact of my ancestors who settled in Canada on my own Canadian identity.

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