A Slightly Forgotten Story of Canadian Bravery

There are also many people in my community who recognize the sacrifice of the Canadian men who went to fight at Vimy Ridge. One very recent example of this is a march that was performed by the Burlington Air Cadets of the 715 Mohawk Squadron. This group led a 3600 metre march across some parts of Burlington to honour the 3600 men who gave their lives to take Vimy Ridge. This march started at their legion and it ended at City Hall and it wasn’t only the Cadets who were marching, many people took the time that day to go and march with the Cadets. There is also a Burlington Cenotaph where the lives of those who fought at Vimy Ridge and other World War I battles are inscribed.

A Slightly Forgotten Story of Canadian Bravery

Akhil Yerubandi

Grade 10

Robert Bateman High School
Burlington, Ontario

I chose this question due to the interest that I had about World War I and more specifically the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

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