by Nelle Oosterom
Royal Roads University has launched an online archive of yearbooks from its roots as a Canadian military college.
Caroline Posynick, who led the digitization project, says former cadets often come to the university to look at the annual yearbooks, known as The Log. Now, the Royal Roads University Archives provides online access to every yearbook published by the military college from 1943 until it became a university in 1995.
The fifty-three yearbooks are full of photos, news, speeches, and messages. The digitization project involved scanning approximately seven thousand pages of documents from the yearbooks and uploading them to a website, a process that took a year to complete.
View the logbooks

Cadets train on the lagoon, circa 1945.

The cover of the 1957 yearbook.

Cadets in 1962 model a variety of uniforms.
Office cadets on parade at Royal Roads Military College, circa 1990.
Photos courtesy of Royal Roads Military fonds, RRU Archives