At the New Year
The Old Year has faded backstage. The spotlight falls on that young stripling, 1922, which like every other youngster is of most engaging interest because of the potentialities it may contain.
Nineteen twenty-one had its “rocky spots” — price deflation; wage reduction; taxes, turmoil, and far-off famine. This new Year inherits a modicum of each but there are evidences of Better Days. The world is turning the corner.
To the farmer who has had an unsatisfactory season there is always hope in seeing what one more crop will bring. One’s personal harvest for 1922 is a subject fit for wholesome speculation of grain or produce. For you it can mean greater satisfaction — a new or better home, or more good friends, or health or happiness; greater knowledge; more peace and accord and understanding.
Nineteen twenty-two will in all probability disappoint pessimists.