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The story of the Red River settlement brings together people of a variety of backgrounds, visible today through the cultural artifacts of the colony.
The Selkirk Settlers - Multiculturalism in the Red River Colony from Canada's History.
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Without the support and persuasiveness of George-Étienne Cartier, Quebec might not have united with the rest of the Dominion.
Robert Granke is Executive Director of Canadian Lutheran World Relief, an organization that formed in 1946 to aid refugees of the Second World War.
This pocket chronometer provides a direct link to the heroic age of Arctic exploration, and its tragic protagonist, Sir John Franklin.
If you don't follow football then you probably don't know about "Oskee Wee Wee." This NFB documentary highlights the zaniness of a Grey Cup final where the Hamilton Ti-Cat fans invoke their infamous magic chant.
Provincial "game-changer" — the 1944 election when Tommy Douglas led the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation to its historic win.