The Road to Success
On January 28, 1916 after years of petitions, campaigning and lobbying, Manitoba became the first province in Canada to give women the right to vote. Previously, the province adhered to an 1870 Manitoba Provincial Law that stated: “No woman shall be qualified to vote at any Election for any Electoral Division whatever.” The success of women in Manitoba, and later that year in Alberta and Saskatchewan, not only repealed this law, but also set the stage for the rest of the provinces in Canada to follow suit. The successes of these three provinces in 1916 can be accredited to many things, but undoubtedly, their success is the result of empowerment gained through three elements: perseverance, champions of the cause, and propaganda. The three campaigns persevered through early bias and laws, with a passion for equality and change. These efforts would have amounted to very little if not for champions with strong opinions and big ideas and extremely successful propaganda.