Vimy Ridge: a Costly Step for Canada's Identity

Vimy Ridge: A battle that touched the hearts of thousands, took the lives of thousands and left the ultimate legacy. It was an event in Canadian history that is said to have represented the “birth of a nation”, an event remembered to have united Canadians and overall a moment that has impacted each and every Canadian. The aftermath of this battle and World War 1 no doubt would have provoked reactions like this from all Canadians. However in 2017, 100 years after the battle, there is no longer any living person to recount the memory of Vimy Ridge. It is up to the next generation of Canadians to acknowledge our country's past and recognize the lives lost in order to solidify our national identity. The battle of Vimy Ridge was a significant event in Canadian history that both influenced Canada’s identity as a nation and my own identity as a Canadian citizen. The taking of Vimy Ridge by the Canadian Armed Forces on April 9, 1917 allowed Canada to emerge from Britain's shadow and, for the first time, be acknowledged as not just a colony, but as a country. Personally, being able to witness the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge first hand, and having the opportunity to stand on the very ground where the battle took place, significantly shaped my own identity. It is hard to picture what Canada might have been like today had the Allied Forces not successfully captured that ridge. Would it be the powerful, independent nation we know today, or would we still be overshadowed by Britain?

Vimy Ridge: a Costly Step for Canada's Identity

Kate Rodrigues

Grade 10

The Bishop Strachan School
Toronto, Ontario

I chose this question because I was able to touch upon an event in Canadian history that impacted both Canada's identity as well as my own.

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