The Time I Lost my Brother

“I can’t believe you did that uncle,” my niece exclaimed laughing.

“I wish I could’ve seen the expo,” my nephew wishfully said.

“I wish you could have as well,” I responded, “but even if you could not be there in person you may be able to live it right now.”

“Huh,” they both questioned.

“The future is now in your hands. You are able to make this world just as amazing with your own two hands if you try, just as this experience has taught me,” I continue, “The world is something we interact and learn from, wither it be from nature or, from one another.”

The Time I Lost my Brother

Kaitlyn Mingo

Grade 12

St. Margarets
Victoria, British Columbia

I chose this question because it was about something that I have heard little about and was interested to learn more.

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