The Mistakes of the Past

Multiculturalism and The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, became an integral part of Canadian society. People are able to live their lives without the fear of being assimilated into modern Canadian society. People with different religions are able to practice freely, and women and men are mostly seen as equals in society. As a member of a minority group, it is clear to me that the government and society as a whole have great power to recognize or ignore minorities. These past historic events have a significant impact to my identity because I am a Canadian, Jewish woman, and it is my duty to make sure that history does not repeat itself. Multiculturalism has left an imprint on Canada, it has made every single person feel like a unique individual, and a Canadian at the same time.

The Mistakes of the Past

Evelin Melekh

Grade 11

Gray Academy of Jewish Education
Winnipeg, Manitoba

I chose this question because, as a Canadian Jewish women, my identity is strongly impacted by past events.

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