The Shadow of Racism In Canadian History

It goes without saying that Canada has branded itself as a multicultural, diverse nation that accepts people of all races, religions and sexual orientations; despite 49% of Canadians believing that there are major racism problems in Canada and racism being on the rise. Racial discrimination towards people of colour has often been downplayed throughout Canadian history, even though it still affects how I, as a black immigrant, am perceived by others today. When looking at a timeline from the Ku Klux Klan’s progression in Canada inspiring the formation of the Canadian Heritage Front in the late 20th century, leading to a wide array of white supremacy groups in Canada, anti-immigration protests and an increase in hate crimes, one cannot help but think; how much progress has Canada really made as a nation?

The Shadow of Racism In Canadian History

Ella Nugent

Grade 10

The Bishop Strachan School
Mississauga, Ontario

I think it is important to shine light on the shadows in every nation's history, as it helps make sense of why we are the way we are today.

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