The Battle of Vimy Ridge

‘Creative planning was very important prior to actual battle. The Canadians took great care in planning their attack. As G.N. Harris says, “Hope lay in careful planning and preparation.” All other attempts by Britain and France to take Vimy Ridge ended in a massive number of deaths for the British and French which caused lack of hope for the Canadians. To change that, the Canadian Corps re-planned the way that platoons were set up and advanced. They adjusted it so that each platoon was spread out. As they walked each platoon had a rifle, rifle-grenade, bombing and a light machine gun, called a Lewis gun. They advanced under the cover of their fellow soldiers. They also carefully planned out their artillery preparations using ideas like the rolling barrage. They planned the attack in detail, and ensured that every soldier knew the plan. Every soldier had a map of Vimy Ridge and the attack plan so that if the platoon commander was killed the plan could continue. This was different from France and Britain because they only had the platoon commander knew the plan. These carefully planned tactics all helped to take the Ridge quickly and efficiently. The Battle of Vimy Ridge should be considered the true origin because of the way Canada took great care in the planning and as a result the plan was successfully executed.’

The Battle of Vimy Ridge

Anna Pouteaux

Grade 11

Hodgeville School
Hodgeville, Saskatchewan

‘The Battle of Vimy Ridge should be what is known as the true origin of Canadian identity’

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