Expo 67 : An Accurate Depiction of our Society?

What may have seemed almost impossible then, is practically nothing in today’s society from the incredible progress we have made. The visions, goals, and pavilions featured in Expo 67 have greatly shaped the world. Technology has made major progress as atomic energy is now used for good, we went from being unable to reach the Moon, to being able to send spacecrafts to the outskirts of our solar system. Expo 67 was even the reason IMAX came to be what it is now. Architecture and infrastructure has heavily changed after Expo 67, as the construction of the Île Notre-Dame, and the many buildings and bridges built with it are still being used today. The Biosphere continues to amaze people with its fascinating design. The art featured in Expo 67 is still popular in today’s society, as Canadian music is still being performed, and cinema has become a very popular genre of art. Canadians everywhere celebrated Canada’s 150th anniversary, but it is important to recognize how our successful nation got to where it is now, and how Expo 67 truly has influenced our generation.

Expo 67 : An Accurate Depiction of our Society?

Amir Al-Bayati

Grade 10

Oakridge Secondary School
London, Ontario

I chose Expo 67 as my topic because it would be an opportunity for me to learn more about Canada's history and teach others on the way too.

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