45 Tag Results for Passchendaele

Sir David Watson

He wrote, "My God! What an awful night we have had. Lost about 200 men & 6 officers of no.1 Coy. They are embedded in my mind to be ever forgotten."

Joseph Kaeble

Decorated with the Military Medal, he was also first French Canadian soldier to be awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest British distinction.

Talbot Mercer Papineau

His remarkable letters from the front are the Canadian voice of World War I, a reminder of all that was lost there.

Roderick Ogle Bell-Irving

Before the conflict would end, all of Henry Bell-Irving’s six sons were in the armed forces and two of his four daughters served as nurses.

Gordon Charles Davidson

Had he lived, Davidson would no doubt have made significant contributions to Canadian – and most particularly British Columbian – historical writing.

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