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The National Film Board has produced hundreds of films about northern Canada. Start discovering our northern destinations with The Spell of the Yukon by Rita Roy.
The Spell of the Yukon by Rita Roy, National Film Board of Canada
1 = poor, 5 = excellent
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The idea that women could drive an automobile -- let alone drive around the shell holes of the frontlines -- was rather revolutionary at the outbreak of the Great War. But nicety was soon driven out by necessity.
No Canadian vessel is more revered than the storied Bluenose. The fastest schooner in the world, it appears on our dime and has inspired generations of artists in Canada — particularly musicians.
When it comes to singing lonesome songs of heart and heartache, Canadian crooners are more than a match for their American neighbours.
Dr. Jamie Morton, curator at the Manitoba Museum, explains the nature of the Company's organizational hierarchy and Simpson's role as governor through these extravagant artifacts: an elaborate silver candelabra and a ram's head snuff mull.
Women who played heroic roles during the War of 1812 tend not to be remembered today. The one exception is Laura Secord.