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Storied Places | Lieux Enchanteurs What do you think are the best national historic sites in Canada? | Quel est selon vous le lieu historique national canadien le plus enchanteur?
Travel | Voyages > Storied Places | Lieux Enchanteurs > Fortress of Louisbourg Modes d'affichage:  
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noosterom - 2011-01-21 14:19:00
Fortress of Louisbourg
I was 18 years old when I visited Louisbourg in the summer of 1974. I recall being very impressed with things like the ornate period furnishings inside the fort, as well as the blacksmith shop, and I remember being overwhelmed by the size of the place, which was completely shrouded in fog. But the significance of the fortress and its place in history was lost on me until many years later, when I finally took in that this was indeed an ambitious and massive fortification for its time. Difficult to imagine today, considering its remoteness, that this was once one of North America's busiest seaports.

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npayne - 2011-02-09 11:45:45
RE:Fortress of Louisbourg
I remember an interpreter who genuinely enjoyed explaining the back-and-forth struggle over Louisbourg. (Loueebourg? Lewisburg?) He was so enthusiastic that I could practically see the attacking forces creeping over the open ground. Any question I fired at him, he could answer. I also remember being struck by the tranquil beauty of the place, with its orderly gardens and neat, spare buildings.


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