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And All Their Glory Past: Fort Erie, Plattsburgh and the Final Battles in the North, 1814

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by Donald E. Graves

Robin Brass Studio, Montreal, 2013
440 pp., illus., $24.95 paperback

It’s sometimes easy to forget that the War of 1812 was still being hotly contested in 1814 and that the war’s bicentennial is continuing throughout this year. Fortunately, Canada’s leading War of 1812 historian, Donald E. Graves, has published a new volume exploring the pivotal campaigns that preceded the end of the war.

In And All Their Glory Past, Graves explores the Siege of Fort Erie, the failed British attack at Plattsburgh on Lake Champlain, and several smaller but important events like the raids on what is now southwestern Ontario by American General Duncan McArthur. In this book, explains Graves, he examines “two major military [and naval] operations separated by hundreds of miles and fought by five different land formations and four different naval squadrons.”

And All Their Glory Past is a must for anyone interested in Canadian military history and a fitting final work in Graves’ trilogy exploring the War of 1812.

— Joel Ralph (Read bio)

Joel Ralph is the director of programs for Canada's History Society.


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