We pack a lot into the pages of every issue of Kayak, but there’s always more great stuff we just can’t fit in. So join Teeka and Beau, our otter mascots, to find out more about the theme of each issue, or just pick up some random bits of Canadian history.

A Tree-Mendous Tradition

Canada is lucky to have people from so many different backgrounds celebrating so many different things. Christmas, a Christian celebration, has been a December tradition since the first Europeans came here.

A Tree-Mendous Tradition

The first Christmas tree in Canada went up in Sorel, Que., in 1781. Baron Friederick von Riedesel, who was used to Christmas trees at home in Germany, brought the tradition to Canada. Check out more about the history of Christmas in Canada here. And for a bit of winter fun, here’s a very Canadian version of the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” — it’s called “A Moose in a Maple Tree.”